Equilibrium under Concurrent Forces
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    Concurrent forces, weight, tension, friction

    Equilibrium Conditions

    Problem Solution

    Kinetic friction, Static friction, coefficients and laws of friction


    Torque (moment), couple

    Equilibrium Conditions: Force-Condition, torque-condition (principle of moments)
    Center of mass, Center of Gravity, Arbitrary position of the axis 


  1. Define the following terms?
    Concurrent forces: Are forces whose lines of action all pass through a common point.
    Weight: is the force with which the gravity pulls downward upon it.
    Tension in string: is the force with which the strings pulls upon the object to which it is attached.
    Friction force: is a tangential force on a surface that opposes the sliding of a surface across an adjacent surface.
    Normal force: is the perpendicular component of the force exerted by the supporting surface on the surface being supported.
  2. What are the equilibrium conditions under the action of concurrent forces?
    The resultant of all forces acting on an object must be zero. or
    1- The sum of all x-components is zero.
    2- The sum of all y-components is zero.
    3- The sum of all z-components is zero.
  3. When an object is in equilibrium
    If it is at rest and remains at rest. or if it is in motion with constant vector velocity
  4. What are the types of equilibrium
    Static-Equilibrium: The object it is at rest and remains at rest. 
    Translational-Equilibrium: The object is in motion with constant vector velocity
  5. How do you solve problems in equilibrium under concurrent forces?
    1- Isolate the object under forces
    2- Draw a free-body diagram
    3- Find all the x,y,z-components of each force in the system
    4- Write the conditions for equilibrium in an equation form
    5- Solve for the unknowns from the equations obtained in step-4. 


  1. The system shown below is in equilibrium. Solve for T1 and T2.
    1- SFx=0, -T1Sin30+T2Sin60=0, -0.5T1+0.866T2=0

    2- SFy=0, T1Cos30+T2Cos60-20=0,
    From (1) 0.866(1.73T2)+0.5T2=20, 1.50T2+0.5T2=20
    T2=20/2=10 N
    T1=1.73T2=17.3 N
  2. Two forces, P and Q, act NW and NE respectively.  They are in equilibrium with a force of 50.0 N acting due E.  Find P and Q.
    1- SFx=0, QSin45+20-PSin45=0
    2- SFy=0, QCos45+PCos45-50=0
    By adding (1) & (2) 1.4Q=30, Q=30/1.4=21.4 N
    From (1) P=(Q+20/0.7)=49.9N
  3. A particle whose weight is 50N is suspended by alight string which is at 35 degrees to the vertical under the action of a horizontal force F.  Find: (a) the tension in the string, (b) F.
    1- SFx=0, F-TSin35=0
    2- SFy=0, TCos35-50=0
    From (2)  T=50/Cos35=61N
    From (1)  F=TSin35=61Sin35=35 N
  4. A particle of weight W rests on a smooth plane which is inclined at 40 degrees to the horizontal.  The particle is prevented from slipping by a force of 50N acting parallel to the plane and up a line of greatest slope.  Calculate (a) W, (b) the reaction due to the plane.
    1- SFx=0, 50-wSin40=0
            W=50/Sin40=77.8 N
    2- SFy=0, R-wCos40=0
            R=wCos40=59.6 N



  5. Two light strings are perpendicular to each other and support a particle of weight 100N.  The tension in one of the strings is 40N.  Calculate the angle this string makes with the vertical and the tension in the other string.
    1- SFx=0, TCosa-40Cosq=0
    2- SFy=0, 40Sin
    Since q+a=90, we have Sinq=Cosa and Cosq=Sina

    1- TSinq-40Cosq=0
    2- TCos

    Multiply (1) by Cosq and (2) by Sinq.

    2- T

    40(Sin2q+Cos2q)=100Sinq, Sinq=0.4, q=23.5, a=90-q=90-23.5=66.4

    1) When q+a=90, then 




For more information write: abumsamh@emirates.net.ae
Created SEP 1, 2000
Copyright © 2000
Designed by: R. K. Abu-Msameh
Last modified: May 18, 2001